Greenbank Apiary

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August 2022

Thank you for supporting the Honey Bees in 2022

Scottish Honey produce of Stewarton, Ayrshire, Scotland extracted begining of August 2022 has a best before date of August 2026.


This year the hives produced Wildflower Blossoms which is available both as runny and set


Raw honey is one of nature’s most underestimated superfoods, which is gathered by one of the most profound creatures on planet earth.


Unpasteurised raw honey has been used throughout the centuries as a food source as well as a medicinal remedy.


Raw honey comes straight from the beehive and is considered raw as the food is not processed or pasteurised after extraction. It is a natural sweetener that still retains all the nutrients, enzymes and medicinal compounds that honey is known for. Honey is this state is a living food, high in anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties.


Many of the commercial honey products are ultra-filtered and pasteurised which removes most of the nutrient-rich elements and kills all beneficial microorganisms and other health-enhancing components. This process removes and prevents crystallisation, destroys pollen and thus extends the shelf life of honey.

As with all honey it is unsuitable for children under the age of one year.